[AMBER] ambertools14 fresh installation fails

From: Fabian Glaser <fabian.glaser.gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 15:52:45 +0200


Why does this fails for a fresh download of AmberTools14 ??

./configure gnu
Checking for updates...
Checking for available patches online. This may take a few seconds...

Available AmberTools 14 patches:

update.6, update.7, update.8, update.9, update.10, update.11, update.12, update.13, update.14.bz2, update.15,
update.16, update.17, update.18, update.19, update.20, update.21, update.22, update.23, update.24, update.25

There are patches available. Do you want to apply them now? [y/N] (Recommended Y)
Preparing to apply updates... please wait.
Applying AmberTools 14/update.6
PatchingError: .patches/AmberTools14_Unapplied_Patches/update.6 failed to apply. No changes made from this patch
Automatic patching failed! Check the errors before re-configuring

What should I do? I removed everything I found.....

Thansk in advance,


Fabian Glaser, PhD

Head of the Structural Bioinformatics section
Bioinformatics Knowledge Unit - BKU

The Lorry I. Lokey Interdisciplinary
Center for Life Sciences and Engineering
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Haifa 32000, ISRAEL

Tel: +972 4 8293701
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Received on Tue Jan 27 2015 - 06:00:02 PST
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