[AMBER] rmsd of multiple trajectories with different topologies and sizes but same reference

From: Brian Radak <radak004.umn.edu>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 10:43:08 -0400

I'd like to use cpptraj to calculate the RMSDs of several trajectories of
different lengths and slightly different topologies (differences in
protonation states and bound ions) with respect to the same reference

Here's some pseudo commands assuming two trajectories of "sys1" and "sys2".
<mask> gives the exact same number of atoms for both systems.

parm sys1.parm7 [sys1_parm]
reference sys1.rst7 parm [sys1_parm] [sys1_ref]
trajin sys1.nc parm [sys1_parm]

rmsd rmsd1 <mask> ref [sys1_ref] out rmsd.dat

parm sys2.parm7 [sys2_parm]
trajin sys2.nc parm [sys2_parm]

rmsd rmsd2 <mask> ref [sys1_ref] out rmsd.dat

This does give me two data sets (rmsd1 and rmsd2) in rmsd.dat, as
requested, but they include ALL of the frames loaded via trajin and both
data sets are thus identical. Of course I'd like them to be different so
that I can tell which rmsd values come from which trajectory/topology
(although I suppose I could just do this by counting the frames, that
sounds tedious and requires some kludgy scripting).


================================ Current Address =======================
 Brian Radak                                             :     BioMaPS
Institute for Quantitative Biology
 PhD candidate - York Research Group       :     Rutgers, The State
University of New Jersey
 University of Minnesota - Twin Cities         :     Center for Integrative
Proteomics Room 308
 Graduate Program in Chemical Physics     :     174 Frelinghuysen Road,
 Department of Chemistry                          :     Piscataway, NJ
 radak004.umn.edu                                 :
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Received on Tue May 27 2014 - 08:00:02 PDT
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