[AMBER] antechamber with Au atom

From: giulia palermo <giulia.palermo83.gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 19 May 2014 09:24:50 +0200

Dear all,

I am parametrizing a molecule containing one Gold (Au+). The gold atom is
bonded to a Phosphorus and to the nitrogen of a histidine. Thus, I am
dealing with this bond: N-Au=P.

I have already optimized the strugture with gaussian and I am now
performing the standard procedure with antechamber, in order to obtain the
RESP charges. When running antechamber in the following way:

antechamber -i file.log -fi gout -o AAA.prepc -fo prepc -nc 1 -m 1 -rn AAA
-c resp

I have the following error:

For atom[29]:Au1, the best APS is not zero, bonds involved by this atom are

Error: No ESP fitting centers and fitting values exist, adding 'iop(6/33=2)
iop(6/42=6) iop(6/50=1)' to the keyword list
Error: cannot run "/software/amber/amber12/bin/espgen -o ANTECHAMBER.ESP -i
aur_his_esp.log" in resp() of charge.c properly, exit

Reading the mailing list, I see that it has been suggested to modify the
g09 output substututing Au with an other atom. I also tried this option,
substituting Au with O, but the problem persists.

Do you have any idea that can hel me??

Thank you very much
AMBER mailing list
Received on Mon May 19 2014 - 00:30:02 PDT
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