[AMBER] QM/MM tutorial

From: James Starlight <jmsstarlight.gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 13:32:14 +0400

Dear Amber users!

I'd like to perform some test simulations using QM/MM method of
parametrization mainly based on that tutorial

Firstly I have just simulated water-soluble protein-ligand system (this
time ligand have been parametrized by gaff) and would like to perform the
same simulation but changing treatment of my ligand to:
qmmask = ':200' # number of ligand residue
qmcharge = 1 # because my ligand hase total -1 charge
qm_theory = 'PM3'

as I noticed that simulation should be exactly like above mentioned example
shouldn't it? Should I re-parametrize my ligand for such case (E.g using

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Received on Mon May 12 2014 - 03:00:02 PDT
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