Re: [AMBER] Analysis of minimization stage

From: Valentina Romano <>
Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 08:47:42 +0000

Dear Amber users

I am still having problems with the equilibration stage.

My system is a complex of a protein kinase binds to the 6amino-purine.
The whole system contains 247 residues.

First of all, I minimized the solvent (water +ions) keeping the protein's heavy atoms frozen:

  restraint_wt = 10.0,

Afterwards, I wanted to run a short MD keeping frozen the protein's heavy atoms to relax solvent molecules before running a minimization of the whole system:

  nstlim=15000, dt=0.001,
  ntpr=100, ntwx=100, ntwr=1000
  restraint_wt = 10.0,

Sander immediately stops with the following error message:

vlimit exceeded for step 2; vmax = 144.9409

     Coordinate resetting (SHAKE) cannot be accomplished,
     deviation is too large
     NITER, NIT, LL, I and J are : 0 2 1927 3834 3844

     Note: This is usually a symptom of some deeper
     problem with the energetics of the system.

If I decrease the dt from 0.001 to 0.0005, sander runs the MD but between each step i got the following messages:

vlimit exceeded for step 4001; vmax = 22.8241
vlimit exceeded for step 4003; vmax = 25.4000
vlimit exceeded for step 4004; vmax = 27.7180
vlimit exceeded for step 4006; vmax = 29.4842
vlimit exceeded for step 4007; vmax = 28.0214
vlimit exceeded for step 4008; vmax = 56.6682
vlimit exceeded for step 4009; vmax = 45.4394
vlimit exceeded for step 4010; vmax = 31.1217
vlimit exceeded for step 4011; vmax = 24.5171
vlimit exceeded for step 4012; vmax = 34.7059

 Moreover the TEMP(K) is not around 300.0 at each step but it changes a lot.

All this things suggested me that there is a problem in the structure I am using to run the MD.
After the mininimization stage I checked the TOTAL energy and it was relatively flat at the end of the mninimization. Thus I have no idea how to find out the problem with the minimized structure i am using.

Any suggestions?
I would like the use cheackoverlap in cptraj but is not really clear how it works.


Valentina Romano | PhD Student | Biozentrum, University of Basel & SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
Klingelbergstrasse 61 | CH-4056 Basel |

Phone: +41 61 267 15 80

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Received on Mon May 12 2014 - 02:00:03 PDT
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