Re: [AMBER] truncatiing water molecules

From: Jason Swails <>
Date: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 07:54:15 -0400

On Wed, 2014-04-02 at 19:36 +0800, Nitin Sharma wrote:
> Dear amber users,
> I have two trajectories with same number of protein residues with
> similar connectivity along with one ligand. However, the they have
> different number of water molecules. The reason for this is that I
> have created these files by stripping terminal protein residues.
> I tried to strip water molecules using following script:
> trajin 2NL9_046_strip.mdcrd
> reference 2NL9_046_strip_test1.pdb [refpdb]
> rms .CA,C,N ref [refpdb]
> strip "!(:1-150<:12.0)&:WAT" outprefix stripped_2NL9_b_046_b
> trajout /hpctmp/a0068362/MCL1_combined_test/2NL9_046_strip_b.mdcrd
> netcdf nobox
> however, I am getting different number of water molecules in two
> protein and also less than 50 water molecules in both cases.
> Is there any way I strip certain number of water molecules from each
> file so that the files for different protein are same? While solvating
> I used command "solvateoct comp TIP3PBOX 12.0"

Take the system that has more waters. Find out how many more waters
that system has (you can typically just look at the number of residues,
which is NRES if you use the "printPointers" command in ParmEd). Let's
suppose one system has 10 more waters than the other system: strip the
last 10 residues from the system with 10 more waters using the command
you've printed above.


Jason M. Swails
Rutgers University
Postdoctoral Researcher
AMBER mailing list
Received on Wed Apr 02 2014 - 05:00:09 PDT
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