Re: [AMBER] tleap output of mol2 format incorrect bond order/atom types

From: FyD <>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 08:36:07 +0100

Dear Nicholas,

> Having a great deal of trouble trying to find a workaround to this
> issue. It's been posted about before and it's been deemed unecessary
> to fix, however I feel this bug is something that needs attending to.

I think there is no workaround; the Tripos mol2 file format is simply
used in different contexts. This might mean there are several Tripos
mol2 file formats ;-)

> Strictly speaking, mol2 files should be self-sufficient units which
> can be plugged into other tools for
> visualisation/modification/simulation. The format of the mol2 file
> output from leap is incorrect, both in terms of how it deals with
> connectivity (double/triple bonds labelled incorrectly as single
> bonds) and how it labels atoms (enters data other than the standard
> SYBYL atom types). This means that mol2 files are only useable for
> amber, which is giving me a lot of trouble (I am using the c++
> OpenBabel distributable for atomic modifications).

Several points here:

-1 The savemol2 command was originally developed at:
    We recently redirected this format and created the mol3 file format:

-2 Historically the mol2 file format strongly connects to the Tripos
force field; But the mol2 file format has been redirected in the
context of the Amber force fields; Is the Tripos force field still
used ? I mean compared to the last Amber force field developments? I
am not sure...

-3 leap is not a 'graphical' program, it is force field oriented and
consequently amber force field oriented; thus a double or triple bond
does not exist in a force field (represented by a different force
field constant); so strictly there is no need to provide this
information in a force field library such as a mol2 file; obviously
this can be disturbing, when one is interested in visualizing a
structure in a graphical program. Thus displaying a structure in the
context of a graphical program such as vmd or in the context of a
force field tool can have different objective (in the context of a
force field library two atoms cannot share the same name in a given

> If anyone else has encountered this issue and knows of a workaround
> then please let me know! I need to be able to obtain
> self-sufficient mol2 (or any other format with well-defined
> connectivity/bond-order) in order for OpenBabel to be able to
> interpret structures correctly.

Openbabel has also its own limitations:
 From what I know it does not print the "substucture" section; which
is quite painful... So here I do not like using Openbabel, but use our
q4md-forcefield tools to deal with Tripos mol2 or now mol3 files.

Just my personal opinion...

regards, Francois

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Received on Thu Mar 20 2014 - 01:00:03 PDT
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