Re: [AMBER] about MCPB : addFragment terminal/CH3

From: Jason Swails <>
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2014 08:17:57 -0500

On Tue, 2014-02-25 at 19:48 +0700, Setyanto Md wrote:
> Dear AMBER User and Developer.
> I read in MCPB manual, (MTKpp.pdf) in page 86,
> "# Methyl terminating groups (Add these after all other residue have been
> added)
> addFragment terminal/CH3 bd /NAME/CLR/HD1-1/.CB. ag /NAME/CLR/HD1-1/.CG. tr
> /NAME/CLR/HD1-1/.ND1 87.0
> addFragment terminal/CH3 bd /NAME/CLR/AS2-2/.CB. ag /NAME/CLR/AS2-2/.CG. tr
> /NAME/CLR/AS2-2/.OD2 170.0
> addFragment terminal/CH3 bd /NAME/CLR/AS1-3/.CB. ag /NAME/CLR/AS1-3/.CG. tr
> /NAME/CLR/AS1-3/.OD2 200.0
> addFragment terminal/CH3 bd /NAME/CLR/GL1-4/.CB. ag /NAME/CLR/GL1-4/.CG. tr
> /NAME/CLR/GL1-4/.CD. 288.0
> addFragment terminal/CH3 bd /NAME/CLR/HD2-5/.CB. ag /NAME/CLR/HD2-5/.CG. tr
> /NAME/CLR/HD2-5/.ND1 185.0"
> I'd like to know where th number 87.0, 170.0, 200.0, 288.0, 185.0 come from
> ?

I could be mistaken here since, as you've noticed, the documentation is
not at all clear with respect to the addFragment command and I did not
write this code. However, here is my best guess (note that the last
argument 'angle' is missing from the usage statement on page 93 of the
MTK++ manual):

addFragment <fragment> bd <atom1> ag <atom2> tr <atom3> <angle>

<fragment> is the name of the molecule fragment you wish to add

bd is a keyword that indicates the next atom is BonDed to the fragment

<atom1> is the atom that the <fragment> is connected to

ag is another keyword that indicates the next atom forms an AnGle with
the fragment and <atom1>

<atom2> is the atom that the <fragment> forms an angle with <atom1>

tr is another keyword that indicates the next atom forms a ToRsion with
the fragment and <atom1> and <atom2>

<atom3> is the atom that the <fragment> forms a torsional angle with
<atom1> and <atom2>

<angle> is the torsional angle, in degrees, that defines the relative
orientation of the new fragment w.r.t. the atoms 1, 2, 3 and the

While I think this is the correct explanation I'm not certain. You'll
have to experiment with different options to determine the accuracy of
my assessment for yourself.

Good luck,

Jason M. Swails
Rutgers University
Postdoctoral Researcher
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Received on Tue Feb 25 2014 - 05:30:02 PST
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