Set dt to > 0.0000 - I am betting that gives you a divide by zero
On 2/18/14, 9:42 PM, "kurisaki" <>
>Dear Amber developers and users,
>I performed 1-step MD simulation
>To calculate pressure from a resterat file.
>The pressure value is written as expected,
>But temerature, and also kinetic values, are shown as NaN, not calculated.
>Does the pressure value neglect the term of temperature?
>NSTEP = 1 TIME(PS) = 5151.000 TEMP(K) = NaN PRESS =
> Etot = NaN EKtot = NaN EPtot =
> BOND = 298.7552 ANGLE = 807.3912 DIHED =
> 1-4 NB = 373.2392 1-4 EEL = 4480.6187 VDWAALS =
> EELEC = -75691.3719 EHBOND = 0.0000 RESTRAINT =
> EKCMT = 5440.3586 VIRIAL = 4525.7050 VOLUME =
> Density =
> Ewald error estimate: 0.9795E-04
>To run pmemd, I used the following the mdin file.
>Molecular Dynamics
> &cntrl
> TIMLIM = 999999, IMIN = 0,
> NTX = 5, IREST = 1, NTRX = 1,
> NTXO = 1, NTPR = 0, NTWR = 0, IWRAP = 0,
> NTWX = 500, NTWV = 0,
> NTF = 2, NTB = 2,
> CUT = 9.0,
> NSTLIM = 0, NSCM = 500,
> T = 0.0000, DT = 0.00000,
> NTT = 0,
> NTP = 1, PRES0 = 1.000, COMP = 44.600, TAUP = 2.000,
> NTC = 2, TOL = 0.000001,
>I am most grateful if you give me some advises or comments.
>Yours sincerely,
>AMBER mailing list
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Received on Tue Feb 18 2014 - 22:00:05 PST