[AMBER] Compiling amber12 with openmp

From: Quentin Kaas <q.kaas.imb.uq.edu.au>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 15:09:34 +1000

   Hi all,
   I tried to re-install amber12 using openmp and the recent patches and the
   build failed with the message:
   make[1]: *** No rule to make target `openmp', needed by `install'. Stop.
   I followed the instructions in manual: changed directory to AmberTools/src,
   uncompressed openmpi-1.5.5.tar.bz2, run "./configure_openmpi gnu", changed
   directory to $AMBERHOME, run "./configure -openmp gnu" and then "make
   It seems that the configure script set the vaiable "INSTALLTYPE" to "openmp"
   which might be a problem as "openmp" is not recognised by the in the
   Changing manually INSTALLTYPE to 'parallel' does not solve the problem as
   the config.h is not recognised as of a parallel type because it does not
   contain the DMPI keyword. Make returns the following error message
   Error: config.h is not of type parallel!
   Rerun ./configure and specify an MPI implementation.
   Which I already did as I ran it with the -openmp option...
   Could someone provide some help in compiling amber 12 with openmp using the
   last pacthes.
   Thank you

Quentin Kaas, PhD
Institute for Molecular Bioscience IMB (L2N)
Laboratory of David Craik
The University of Queensland, St Lucia campus
Brisbane 4072, Queensland, Australia
Tel: +61 7 3346 2021
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Received on Mon Feb 17 2014 - 21:30:03 PST
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