[AMBER] Generating RST file using Cpptraj

From: Yip Yew Mun <yipy0005.gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2014 13:12:52 +0800

Hi, I was generating a RST file using Cpptraj with the following input file:

trajin equ11.mdcrd 5000 5000
trajout equ11.rst restart

I was planning to use this RST file to continue my simulation. However, the velocities info was not written to it. Is there a way to resolve this problem? Thanks.

Yip Yew Mun
Graduate, PhD
Chemistry and Biological Chemistry
School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Nanyang Technological University

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Received on Tue Feb 04 2014 - 21:30:04 PST
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