[AMBER] result of molsurf calculation

From: setyanto md <stwahyudi.md.gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2013 21:36:10 +0700

Dear amber user/developer,

I am trying to calculate connoly surface area using molsurf command in

This is my script:

molsurf out molsurf-prot.dat probe 1.4

according to ambertools 12 manual in page 190 about molsurf if no mask
specified it wil calculate fo all-atom.

I have result for the molsurf from that is lite this :
     220 14729.9678
     221 14575.6926
     222 14637.2180
     223 14547.6607
     224 -1.0000
     225 -1.0000
     226 14654.5507
     227 14634.6111
     228 14724.4856
I found some result was -1.000, Why it can happened ? it is normal or my
calculation was wrong ?

Another question:
How to calculate for non-polar surface ?
Do we just make mask for non-polar residue ? or we should make a trick like
calculate for all-atom then substract with non-polar surface ?
(*usually i used this in vmd script)

Thank you very much

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Received on Thu Jun 06 2013 - 08:00:02 PDT
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