[AMBER] rmsd vs rmsf

From: <nguyentb.bii.a-star.edu.sg>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2013 17:36:08 +0800

Dear Amber user,
After finishing the MD simulation, first I reimaged all the snapshot
in the trajectory:
    trajin md1.mdcrd.gz
    trajin md2.mdcrd.gz
    trajout reimagined.mdcrd.gz
    center :1-393
    image familiar
Then, I calculated the rmsf of the whole protein with the following
ptraj file:
    trajin reimagined.mdcrd.gz 1 2000 1
    reference initial_solvated.inpcrd
    rms reference :1-393
    atomicfluct out RMSF_sidechain.dat

Then, I calculated the rmsd of a residue, that I'm interested in, for
example: residue 50, with the following ptraj file:
     trajin reimagined.mdcrd.gz 1 2000 1
     reference initial_solvated.inpcrd
     rms reference out RMSD_50_sidechain.dat

The rmsd of residue 50 is around 0.1, while the rmsf of residue 50
(calculated above) is 1.
It makes no sense to me. I mean, the average rmsd should be in the
same range with rmsf. Right?
Would you please tell me, which part I did is incorrect?
Thanks in advance,

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Received on Tue May 21 2013 - 03:00:02 PDT
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