[AMBER] problems solvating

From: Jonathan Gough <jonathan.d.gough.gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2013 08:58:05 -0400

I'm not sure what is going wrong.

I can successfully build the inpcrd and prmtop for a protein-nucleotide
complex (with and without MG+2) without tip4pew. (nucleotide parameters via

However, when I solvate with TIP4PEW (including the frcmod.ionsjc_tip4pew
and without MG I get the following message:

Could not find bond parameter for: EP - OW

prior to this I also get the message:
(using default radius 1.500000 for EPW)

Using MG (and the parameters from

i get the same thing plus:
1-4: angle 19745 19751 duplicates bond ('triangular' bond) or angle
('square' bond)

can someone point me in the right direction as to what is wrong? Did I
miss something when creating my files in antechamber?

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Received on Tue May 07 2013 - 06:00:08 PDT
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