Re: [AMBER] density for PBC system; addles error

From: Kirill Nuzhdin <>
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2013 11:41:42 -0500

I skipped a lot of steps, so the questions I asked could be rather
misleading, sorry for that. I'll try to explain what I did in more details.

The main idea is to calculate simple radical in a water box.

There were the following steps/considerations made:

1. create a radical structure in tleap and
SaveOff r r.lib
SavePdb r.pdb

2. use qspcfw ff for water and solvate the radical
source leaprc.ff99SB
loadOff solvents.lib
loadOff r.lib
set WAT.1 name "SPG"
loadAmberParams frcmod.qspcfw
set default FlexibleWater on
r = loadPdb r.pdb
solvateBox r QSPCFWBOX 8.0 0.5
saveAmberParm r Rqspcfw.prmtop Rqspcfw.inpcrd

3. create LES, addles commands are:
file rprm name=(Rqspcfw.prmtop) read
file rcrd name=(Rqspcfw.inpcrd) read
file wprm name=(Rqspcfw.LES.prmtop) wovr
file wcrd name=(Rqspcfw.LES.inpcrd) wovr
space numc=32 pick chem prtc H done <-- this is H
atoms for the radical
space numc=16 pick chem prtc H1 | chem prtc H2 done <--- this is
water H atoms

here I first ran into problems, that I described earlier:
"LES was applied to solvent, atom This is not allowed."
to avoid this, I edit %FLAG SOLVENT_POINTERS in Rqspcfw.prmtop (to the
form 0 NNN 1), and after addles is done change this flag in
Rqspcfw.LES.prmtop back to original setting.

And another problem: in that case I getting Rqspcfw.LES.inpcrd file
without the last line (i.e. without box size), so I need to copy it from
the original Rqspcfw.inpcrd

How that could be avoided?

4. to equilibrate the system I need to run constant pressure dynamics:
     ipimd = 2, ntb = 2, ig = -1, ntx = 1, irest = 0, jfastw = 4,
     temp0 = 300.0, temp0les = -1, ntt = 4, nchain = 4,
     ntp = 1, pres0 = 100.0, comp = 43.9, taup = 1.0,
     dt = 0.0002, nstlim = 10000,
     cut = 7.0, ntpr = 1, ntwr = 20, ntwx = 1, ntwv = 0, ntwe = 0
$AMBERHOME/bin/sander.LES.MPI -O -i -p Rqspcfw.LES.prmtop
-c Rqspcfw.LES.inpcrd -o Rqspcfw.LES.out -r Rqspcfw.LES.rst -x
Rqspcfw.LES.crd -v Rqspcfw.LES.vel -inf -e
Rqspcfw.LES.ext > sander_Rqspcfw.LES.out

here is another problem: sander stops with the following error:
  * NB pairs 229 213708 exceeds capacity ( 213809) 6
      SIZE OF NONBOND LIST = 213809
  SANDER BOMB in subroutine nonbond_list
  Non bond list overflow!
  check MAXPR in locmem.f

OK, there is probably too much of local enhancement (that is strange,
could that be avoided without recompiling the program?), trying to run
with smaller numbers:
space numc=32 pick chem prtc H done
space numc=8 pick chem prtc H1 | chem prtc H2 done

In that case it was crushing with segfault:
forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred

So I thought that this could happen because the system is far from
equilibrium, and decided to equilibrate the system before the nuclei
quantization. That is how the question about classical simulation arose.

As for "exploding", maybe you are right about failure to image the
resulting trajectory back to the primary unit cell. I'm not very
familiar with how that could be done - where can I find the information
about that?

Right now I think I found the reason for the last crush: it looks like
addles starts to generate LES configuration with all beads for each
quantized nucleus with the same coordinates! When I tried it on a very
simple system it was creating beads with small variation in coordinates
(as I think it should). So now I'm trying to understand what had changed
since then.

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Received on Wed Jan 16 2013 - 09:00:03 PST
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