[AMBER] Problem while running MMPBSA - stuck

From: Jonathan Gough <jonathan.d.gough.gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2012 18:13:08 -0500

HI All.

This error was reported before, but I could not find the solution.


the MMPBSA script gets through the GB calculation but crashes out durring
the PB portion.

here is what comes out of the command line:

jonathans-Mac-Pro:prod jonathan$ MMPBSA.py -O -i mmpbsa.in -o
FINAL_RESULTS_MMPBSA.dat -sp eq9-tip3.prmtop -cp equil9.prmtop -rp
3L1Ge9.prmtop -lp peptidee9.prmtop -y prod1.mdcrd
Reading command-line arguments and input files...
Loading and checking parameter files for compatibility...
mmpbsa_py_energy found! Using /Volumes/jonathan/amber12/bin/mmpbsa_py_energy
cpptraj found! Using /Volumes/jonathan/amber12/bin/cpptraj
Preparing trajectories for simulation...
500 frames were processed by cpptraj for use in calculation.

Beginning GB calculations with
  calculating complex contribution...
  calculating receptor contribution...
  calculating ligand contribution...

Beginning PB calculations with
  calculating complex contribution...
CalcError: /Volumes/jonathan/amber12/bin/mmpbsa_py_energy failed with
prmtop equil9.prmtop!
Exiting. All files have been retained.

inside of _MMPBSA_complex_pb.mdout.0

there is -
Reading parm file (equil9.prmtop)
        mm_options: e_debug=3
        mm_options: ipb=2
        mm_options: inp=2
        mm_options: epsin=1.000000
        mm_options: epsout=80.000000
        mm_options: smoothopt=1
        mm_options: istrng=0.000000
        mm_options: radiopt=1
        mm_options: dprob=1.400000
        mm_options: iprob=2.000000
        mm_options: npbopt=0
        mm_options: solvopt=1
        mm_options: accept=0.001000
        mm_options: maxitn=1000
        mm_options: fillratio=4.000000
        mm_options: space=0.500000
        mm_options: nfocus=2
        mm_options: fscale=8
        mm_options: bcopt=5
        mm_options: eneopt=2
        mm_options: cutnb=0.000000
        mm_options: sprob=0.557000
        mm_options: cavity_surften=0.037800
        mm_options: cavity_offset=-0.569200
Processing ASCII trajectory (_MMPBSA_complex.mdcrd.0)

Processing frame 1
      iter Total bad vdW elect nonpolar EPB
               eff.c(2660) enb14 --> 374.278
               eff.c(2661) eel14 --> 3426.607

and nothing else. - no errors.

in the similar gb file _MMPBSA_complex_gb.mdout.0

There is:
Reading parm file (equil9.prmtop)
        mm_options: e_debug=2
        mm_options: gb=2
        mm_options: rgbmax=25.000000
        mm_options: gbsa=1
        mm_options: surften=0.007200
        mm_options: cut=999.000000
        mm_options: epsext=78.300000
        mm_options: kappa=0.000000
Using carbon SA parms for atom type 2C
Using carbon SA parms for atom type 2C
Using carbon SA parms for atom type 2C
Using carbon SA parms for atom type 3C
Using carbon SA parms for atom type 2C
Using carbon SA parms for atom type 2C
Processing ASCII trajectory (_MMPBSA_complex.mdcrd.0)

Processing frame 1
      iter Total bad vdW elect nonpolar genBorn
               eff.c(2660) enb14 --> 374.278
               eff.c(2661) eel14 --> 3426.607
               eff.c(2719) enb --> -750.150
               eff.c(2720) eel --> -7338.325
               eff.c(2721) e_gb --> -1622.060
               eff.c(2722) esurf --> 44.491
               eff.c(2723) evdwnp --> 0.000
ff: 0 -2800.72 3064.43 -375.87 -3911.72 44.49 -1622.06
 BOND = 326.4088 ANGLE = 946.2504 DIHED =
 VDWAALS = -750.1502 EEL = -7338.3248 EGB =
 1-4 VDW = 374.2781 1-4 EEL = 3426.6074 RESTRAINT =
 ESURF = 44.4909
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Received on Mon Dec 03 2012 - 15:30:04 PST
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