Hello All,
I am currently trying to run low mode MD (LMOD) using Amber 12 using a
protocol I developed using Amber 10 and have run into the following error:
SANDER BOMB in subroutine Routine: map_coords (ew_force.f)
Furthermore, the each cycle of LMOD minimization completes in three steps,
as opposed to the 40-70 steps that the same structure takes in Amber 10,
indicating that Amber 12 is doing something fundamentally different as I
tested my protocol in both Amber 10 and Amber 12 on the _exact_ same
structure. I have tried decreasing the number of steps to 50 and the
energy window to 0 and still get the same error.
Below is my lmod.in file, and any suggestions as to how to get LMOD to work
in Amber 12 would be greatly apperciated.
for lyA-p lyT 10-mer: initial minimization prior to MD
cut = 99.0,
ntx = 1,
irest = 0,
ipol = 0,
ntb = 0,
igb = 0,
imin = 1,
maxcyc = 5000,
ntmin = 4,
drms = 0.2,
ntpr = 1,
conflib_size = 20,
number_lmod_iterations = 2,
total_low_modes = 10,
explored_low_modes = 3,
number_free_rotrans_modes = 6,
energy_window = 50.0,
lmod_minimize_grms = 0.1,
arnoldi_dimension = 0,
matrix_vector_product_method = 'forward',
frequency_eigenvector_recalc = 6,
lmod_restart_frequency = 6,
restart_pool_size = 3,
number_lmod_moves = 0,
lmod_step_size_max = 5.0,
lmod_step_size_min = 2.0,
lmod_relax_grms = 1.0,
Monte_Carlo_method = 'Metropolis',
rtemperature = 1.5,
number_ligands = 0,
conflib_filename = 'vancomycin_lmod_conflib',
lmod_trajectory_filename = 'vancomycin_lmod_trajectory',
lmod_job_title = 'vancomycin lmod test job',
lmod_verbosity = 2,
random_seed = 314159,
lbfgs_memory_depth = 3,
xmin_method = 'LBFGS',
xmin_verbosity = 0
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Received on Mon Nov 26 2012 - 11:30:02 PST