Re: [AMBER] Error with umbrella sampling

From: Jason Swails <>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2012 22:55:20 -0400

On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 10:25 PM, Fabrício Bracht <> wrote:

> Hello. Thank you for the reply. It really was kind of stupid to me to
> leave the double-quote open. As for the / character missing, there is
> no second line in my file. The email server must have formatted the
> text, and the result was a second line. But anyway, thank you for the
> tip.
> I have corrected the input and the dist.RST file now looks like this
> # Distance restraint for chain A and B (center of mass)
> &rst restraint="distance (com(1-33.N,CA,C),com(34-66.N,CA,C))", r1=0.,
> r2=11., r3=11., r4=35.0, rk2 = 30., rk3 = 30.,
> When I type the pmemd command, a warning appears on screen stating that:
> At line 990 of file nmr_calls.F90 (unit = 33, file = 'dist.RST')
> Fortran runtime error: Cannot match namelist object name restraint
> I have simply copied and modified a bit the lines on the amber12
> manual that state:
> The following are all examples of valid restraint definitions:
> restraint = "distance( (45) (49) )"
> = "angle (:21.C5’ :21.C4’ 108)"
> = "torsion[-1,-1,-1, com(67, 68, 69)]"
> = "angle( -1, plane(81, 85, 87, 90) )"
> = "angle(plane(com(9,10),:5.CA,31,32),plane(14,15,15,16))"
> = "coordinate(distance(:5.C3’,:6.O5’),-1.0,distance(134,-1),1.0)"

This syntax is specific to sander. Look at page 202 of the Amber 12 manual
where it describes the "restraint" variable in the &rst namelist. In that
description it says:

New as of Amber 10 (sander only), users may now use a "natural language"
system to define restraints by using the RESTRAINT character variable.

If you want to use pmemd.cuda and/or pmemd with NMR restraints, you will
need to use the "iat" variable (and "igr1" and "igr2" variables for COM
distances). In light of this, I actually never use the "natural language"
input myself.

Note that pmemd supports only a relatively small subset of the Amber nmropt
functionality, and pmemd.cuda supports an even more limited set. As a
result, if you think you have an input file that should work for pmemd but
doesn't, try it on sander. If it works, then most likely you've hit a
pmemd limitation.


P.S. As another note -- check out the $AMBERHOME/test/nmropt/ test cases
(only present after you've applied all Amber12 bug fixes). The Makefile
lists all of the tests that work with pmemd (and you can find the
pmemd.cuda-compatible ones in $AMBERHOME/test/cuda/nmropt). My suggestion
is to adapt one of these input files to your system (since these are known
to work for pmemd and pmemd.cuda, respectively).

Jason M. Swails
Quantum Theory Project,
University of Florida
Ph.D. Candidate
AMBER mailing list
Received on Tue Sep 18 2012 - 20:00:02 PDT
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