[AMBER] Problems when using cpptraj for reimaging when INPCRD file is one of the input frames

From: Marek Maly <marek.maly.ujep.cz>
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2012 20:57:52 +0200

Hello all,

I just found out that Rg and RMSD analysis might be problematic using
if the *.inpcrd file is included.
(When I tried "ptraj", Rg and RMSD was OK)

I also found out that the problem is with the first "reimaging" step (
step A) see below ).

When I used "cpptraj" the molecular structure in some frames (that with
-nan) was
somewhere very far (I was able to read in the reimaged trajectory into
but was not able to focus molecular structure in that frames).

When I used "ptraj" for reimaging, all frames in reimaged trajectory was
OK and
the consequent Rg, RMSD analysis of this trajectory with "cpptraj" was OK
as well.

So the problem is here clearly just with "reimage" step.

Below are for illustration obtained "cpptraj results" for cases
with/without *.inpcrd file as
the first frame (here "cpptraj" was used for the whole procedure A)
imaging and B) analysis).

    Best wishes,



CASE WITH INPCRD file as the first frame


#Frame RoG_00000 Max_00001
        1 21.1165 37.1483
        2 -nan 0.0000
        3 -nan 0.0000
        4 -nan 0.0000
        5 -nan 0.0000
        6 -nan 0.0000
        7 -nan 0.0000
        8 -nan 0.0000
        9 18.7367 35.8859
       10 -nan 0.0000
       11 19.1161 36.6846
       12 -nan 0.0000
       13 18.9645 32.3899
       14 -nan 0.0000
       15 18.8792 32.7650
       16 -nan 0.0000
       17 18.4168 37.4452
       18 -nan 0.0000
       19 -nan 0.0000
       20 -nan 0.0000
       21 -nan 0.0000
       22 -nan 0.0000
       23 19.0636 41.6257
       24 -nan 0.0000
       25 -nan 0.0000
       26 -nan 0.0000
       27 -nan 0.0000
       28 -nan 0.0000
       29 -nan 0.0000
       30 -nan 0.0000
       31 -nan 0.0000
       32 -nan 0.0000


#Frame DRMSD_00002
        1 0.0000
        2 -nan
        3 -nan
        4 -nan
        5 -nan
        6 -nan
        7 -nan
        8 -nan
        9 7.7264
       10 -nan
       11 8.2911
       12 -nan
       13 8.4795
       14 -nan
       15 8.6235
       16 -nan
       17 9.0447
       18 -nan
       19 -nan
       20 -nan
       21 -nan
       22 -nan
       23 8.8635
       24 -nan
       25 -nan
       26 -nan
       27 -nan
       28 -nan
       29 -nan
       30 -nan
       31 -nan
       32 -nan

CASE WITHOUT INPCRD file as the first frame


#Frame RoG_00000 Max_00001
        1 20.4278 36.8550
        2 19.7771 38.6546
        3 19.7454 37.6637
        4 19.1045 39.5584
        5 18.7786 39.3899
        6 18.6147 37.2790
        7 18.4753 33.0033
        8 18.7367 35.8859
        9 19.0431 36.5700
       10 19.1161 36.6846
       11 19.1758 35.7522
       12 18.9645 32.3899
       13 18.9658 34.4183
       14 18.8792 32.7650
       15 18.5999 38.0307
       16 18.4168 37.4452
       17 18.4572 39.1773
       18 18.2946 39.6647
       19 18.2647 41.3678
       20 18.0115 40.0566
       21 18.8405 39.8609
       22 19.0636 41.6257
       23 18.5178 40.4262
       24 17.9904 33.7236
       25 18.2254 33.1004
       26 18.4423 36.5427
       27 18.6103 40.3092
       28 18.4138 39.1428
       29 17.9545 37.3046
       30 17.5413 37.2142
       31 18.1139 39.8293


#Frame DRMSD_00002
        1 0.0000
        2 3.7271
        3 4.2589
        4 5.0444
        5 6.2434
        6 6.3137
        7 6.6319
        8 6.1484
        9 6.1097
       10 6.6053
       11 6.6902
       12 7.1798
       13 6.9626
       14 7.4241
       15 7.6087
       16 7.9724
       17 7.7480
       18 7.9730
       19 7.9310
       20 8.1429
       21 8.1940
       22 7.8698
       23 8.2837
       24 8.2652
       25 8.4545
       26 8.1110
       27 8.0963
       28 8.1539
       29 8.6305
       30 8.7929
       31 8.5637


A) - creation of reimaged trajectory "prod_REIMAGED_RST.mdcrd"

trajin ../P-G3-PROTONATED15proc.inpcrd
trajin ../prod_1.rst
trajin ../prod_2.rst
trajin ../prod_3.rst
trajin ../prod_4.rst
trajin ../prod_5.rst
trajin ../prod_6.rst
trajin ../prod_7.rst
trajin ../prod_8.rst
trajin ../prod_9.rst
trajin ../prod_10.rst
trajin ../prod_11.rst
trajin ../prod_12.rst
trajin ../prod_13.rst
trajin ../prod_14.rst
trajin ../prod_15.rst
trajin ../prod_16.rst
trajin ../prod_17.rst
trajin ../prod_18.rst
trajin ../prod_19.rst
trajin ../prod_20.rst
trajin ../prod_21.rst
trajin ../prod_22.rst
trajin ../prod_23.rst
trajin ../prod_24.rst
trajin ../prod_25.rst
trajin ../prod_26.rst
trajin ../prod_27.rst
trajin ../prod_28.rst
trajin ../prod_29.rst
trajin ../prod_30.rst
trajin ../prod_31.rst

trajout prod_REIMAGED_RST.mdcrd netcdf

center :1
image familiar

B) - Rg and RMSD analysis of reimaged frames

trajin prod_REIMAGED_RST.mdcrd



(rms first out DEN_RST.RMSD :CEN,REC,REP,REE,ENP,EN0 - in case of "ptraj")

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