[AMBER] ptraj Hbond analysis

From: shradhey gupta <shradhey.iitk.ac.in>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 19:25:04 +0530

dear all amber users,

i did the hb analysis ptraj,there's an output file which shows the
occupance and lifetime. i attached the file of name hbond.ptraj.
i dont know how could get understood result? what is exactly does
lifetiime mean? the average time of a hb between frames?the frame here
means the frame we used for the ptraj analysis? another question i dont
get is the time interval we set . the hb command line ,what does this time
interval mean? Thanks for the concern.

Shradhey Gupta
Research scholar
C/O Prof. Pratik Sen
Department of Chemistry,
Indian Institute Of Technology,KANPUR

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Received on Thu May 31 2012 - 07:00:04 PDT
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