[AMBER] Electrostatic potential and forces computation

From: <tommaso.casalini.mail.polimi.it>
Date: Thu, 24 May 2012 15:52:14 +0200

Dear Amber users and developers,
I am using pbsa module from AmberTools 12, in order to compute the
electrostatic potential due to a polyelectrolyte network.
Moreover, I also need to compute electrostatic forces in order to make
a proper analysis of the system.
Choosing forceopt = 2 in the pbsa input file, I obtain a "force.dat"
file as output, which is constituted by the force values in three
I would like to ask you what exactly these numbers represent, and if I
can visualize these values with a proper software like VMD or pymol.
Thank you for your help and collaboration.

Tommaso Casalini

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