[AMBER] Generate Gaussian file in antechamber

From: Debolina Mitra <contact.debolinamitra.gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 24 May 2012 14:03:08 +0530

Dear Amber community

I got an output Gaussian file (in Gaussian03 windows version) using the
command “#HF/6-31G* SCF=tight Test Pop=MK iop(6/33=2) iop(6/42=6) opt”.
This was converted to .ac file format in antechamber and did RESP charge
fitting subsequently.

But I have two queries.

(1) I couldn’t find out how to generate a Gaussian file within an *

(2) I downloaded the following file from internet and found that they have
generated a mol2 file in Step 1 and subsequently generated Gaussian input
files using antechamber.

But how do they generate the mol2 files containing both coordinates and
charges for each atom using Gaussian 03W?

Best regards,

Debolina Mitra


4-Hydroxyl-Proline (PR4)

   - Step 1:
   Prepare two mol2 files: alpha <http://ambermd.org/antechamber/pro4a.mol2>and
   beta <http://ambermd.org/antechamber/pro4b.mol2>conformatons for
   ACE-PR4-ACE (Take a look at the molecular structure
   - Step 2:
   Generate two gaussian input files: alpha
   <http://ambermd.org/antechamber/pro4a.gau>and beta
   <http://ambermd.org/antechamber/pro4b.gau>using the following
   antechamber command:

   *antechamber -fi mol2 -fo gzmat -i pro4a.mol2 -o pro4a.gau
   antechamber -fi mol2 -fo gzmat -i pro4b.mol2 -o pro4b.gau

   Do the following modifications on pro4a.gau and pro4b.gau:
   change opt to popt in the keyword section
   freeze t19 and t21 during the minimization with a tag of "F" *
   - Step 3:
   Run gaussian to get two output files: alpha
   <http://ambermd.org/antechamber/pro4a.out>and beta
   - Step 4:
   Extract ESP files from gaussian output files ( alpha
   <http://ambermd.org/antechamber/pro4a.esp>and beta
   <http://ambermd.org/antechamber/pro4b.esp>) and merge them together pro4.esp
   <http://ambermd.org/antechamber/pro4.esp>; then prepare input files for
   two-stage resp fitting ( Step I
   <http://ambermd.org/antechamber/pro4-step1.respin>and Stage II
   <http://ambermd.org/antechamber/pro4-step2.respin>); finally run resp
   program to get resp charge ( Pro4.crg
   espgen -i pro4a.out -o pro4a.esp
   espgen -i pro4b.out -o pro4b.esp
   cat pro4a.esp pro4b.esp >pro4.esp
   respgen -i pro4a.mol2 -o pro4-step1.respin -f resp1 respgen -i
   pro4a.mol2 -o pro4-step2.respin -f resp2

   Manually revision pro4-step1.respin and pro4-step2.respin are necessary
   in this example since respgen cannot generate input files for multiple
   molecules. *
   - Step 5:
   Load pro4.crg and generate an ac file ( pro4.ac
   *antechamber -fi mol2 -fo ac -i pro4a.mol2 -o pro4.ac -c rc -cf pro4.crg

   However, if one only use one conformation, he may generate an ac file
   from the gaussian output file with charge method tag set to "resp"
   directly. *
   - Step 6:
   Read in pro4.ac and a mainchain defination file mainchain.pro4
   <http://ambermd.org/antechamber/mainchain.pro4>to generate prep input
   file 4-OH-PRO <http://ambermd.org/antechamber/pro4.prepi>for 4-OH-PRO.

   *In mainchain defination file, HEAD_NAME is the atom connected to the
   immediately previous residue and TAIL_NAME is the atom connected to the
   immediately behide reside; OMIT_NAME(s) is (are) not a part of the residue,
   however they are necessary to maintain a proper chemical environment;
   MAINCHAIN are mainchain atoms (HEAD_NAME and TAIL_NAME are mainchain atoms
   automatically); PRE_HEAD_TYPE and POST_TAIL_TYPE N are the atom types of
   atoms in other residues that are connected to the head and tail,
   respectively. CHARGE is the net charge of the residue in question.

   prepgen -i pro4.ac -o pro4.prepi -f prepi -m mainchain.pro4 -rn PR4 -rf

   For PR4 <http://ambermd.org/antechamber/pro4.jpg>, HEAD_NAME is N1;
   TAIL_NAME is C7 and all the atoms in green and yellow are omitted atoms.
   The PRO_HEAD_TYPE and POST_TAIL_TYPE are C and N respectively *
   - Step 7:
   With pro4.prepi, one may use leap to generate topolgy files for sander
   etc. Here we generate a topology file
   <http://ambermd.org/antechamber/ala-pr4-ala.prmtop>for ALA-PRO4-ALA with
   leap <http://ambermd.org/antechamber/ala-pr4-ala.jpg>.

   *loadamberprep pro4.prep
   aa =sequence {ALA PR4 ALA}
   saveamberparm aa ala-pr4-ala.prmtop ala-pr4-ala.prmcrd *

Dr. Debolina Mitra
Assistant Professor
RBC College, Naihati
North 24-Parganas
AMBER mailing list
Received on Thu May 24 2012 - 02:00:03 PDT
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