[AMBER] Issue with mmpbsa

From: Nick Rakowski <nickkowski.yahoo.co.uk>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2012 13:58:22 +0000 (GMT)

Amber Users

I'm attempting to run a mmpbsa/gbsa calculation on a ligand, receptor system. I have all the required parmtops - solvated complex, complex, receptor and ligand and a 10 nsec MD run. Before running the scripts my system is intact and visualization shows no issues. Once the co-ordinates are extracted, the receptor is fine, and the ligand is mostly intact. However, a sugar ring in the ligand is completely mangled. This occurs with both Python and Perl scripts. I am using Amber 10.0 - does anyone have any suggestions?

I have already checked the naming conventions, and tried reproducing the parmtop files. Why does it only affect 1 sugar ring, when the rest of the ligand is ok?

Thanks in advance 
Nicholas Rakowski
Email: nickkowski.yahoo.co.uk
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Received on Tue Feb 21 2012 - 06:00:02 PST
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