[AMBER] how to set the dist.RST file in SMD using Amber11?

From: <pxc.cqu.edu.cn>
Date: Wed, 04 Jan 2012 09:20:56 +0800

Hello amber users,
Happy new year!

I'm trying to simulate the process of membrane protein transferring peptide, and I repeated the example following the amber tutorial. But I don't kown how to set the dist.RST file in my simulation. I think the peptide should be taken as a whole, the distance between CA in the backbone of membrane protein and the center of mass of peptide should be changed. So how to set r2, rk2, r2a, igr1, igr2, grnam2, and grnam2(2) and what the meaning of igr1, igr2, grnam2, and grnam2(2)? I have read the tutorial, but I can't fully understand. Could you give me some advice? Thanks.

Best regards,

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Received on Tue Jan 03 2012 - 17:30:02 PST
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