[AMBER] Nmode with amber8

From: manikanthan bhavaraju <manikanthanbhavaraju.gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2011 16:47:52 -0500

HI all,
I am trying to run nmode using Amber 8. Initially I am trying to generate
the snapshots and then excute nmode. During the generation of the snapshots
it is giving me an error:

/home/mhb75/amber8_1/amber8/exe/make_crd_hg: cannot execute binary file
    Close TO failed: -1/Broken pipe

The following is the .log file:
Init data
    Presuming executables of amber suite to be in

=>> Reading input parameters
    Found PREFIX => snapshot
    Found PATH => ./
    Found COMPLEX => 1
    Found RECEPTOR => 1
    Found LIGAND => 1
    Found COMPT => ./hAChE.prmtop
    Found RECPT => ./hAChE-sarin.prmtop
    Found LIGPT => ./MMB.prmtop
    Found GC => 1
    Found AS => 0
    Found DC => 0
    Found MM => 0
    Found GB => 0
    Found PB => 0
    Found MS => 0
    Found NM => 1
    Found BOX => YES
    Found NTOTAL => 67805
    Found NSTART => 1
    Found NSTOP => 5000
    Found NFREQ => 200
    Found NUMBER_LIG_GROUPS => 1
    Found LSTART => 8263
    Found LSTOP => 8295
    Found NUMBER_REC_GROUPS => 1
    Found RSTART => 1
    Found RSTOP => 8262
    Found DIELC => 4
    Found MAXCYC => 10000
    Found DRMS => 0.0001
    Found TRAJECTORY => ./RES_md8.mdcrd
    Found TRAJECTORY => ./RES_md9.mdcrd
    Found TRAJECTORY => ./RES_md10.mdcrd
    Found TRAJECTORY => ./RES_md11.mdcrd
    Found TRAJECTORY => ./RES_md12.mdcrd

=>> Checking sanity
    Checking GENERAL
    Checking GC
    Checking TRAJ
    Checking NM

=>> Creating input
    make_crd input
    Nmode input

=>> Creating coordinates
    Executing makecrd
        Skipped title_line
        Skipped title_line
        Skipped title_line
        Skipped title_line

The following is the pbs file
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4
#PBS -q q16p192h
#PBS -l walltime=192:00:00
#PBS -r n
cat $PBS_NODEFILE > job_nodes
mpdboot -n 1 -v -f $PBS_NODEFILE --rsh=rsh

mpiexec -n 1 /home/mhb75/amber8_1/amber8/exe/mm_pbsa.pl
extract_coordinate.mmpbsa > extract_coordinate.log


Please give me some suggestions.


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Received on Tue Jun 28 2011 - 15:00:04 PDT
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