[AMBER] Vibrational entropy with NAB

From: Emmanuel Baribefe Naziga <baribefe.gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2011 18:17:42 -0600

Hello ,

I am getting the following output from NAB for normal mode calculations. It
prints just the frequencies with no other thermodynamic data.

Energy = 7.0235230090e+02
RMS gradient = 8.9254780771e-08

Order of the Hessian matrix 3672
Number of eigenvalues and eigenvectors sought 20
Number of Arnoldi vectors 40

Convergence achieved after 61 iterations

                - Thermochemistry -

Temperature: 298.150
Pressure: 1.000
Mass: 9195.156

Principal moments of inertia in amu-A**2:
        306533.05 2908243.03 2916073.81

Vibrational frequencies in cm**-1

    1 0.00001
    2 0.00003
    3 0.00003
    4 0.00049
    5 0.00052
    6 0.00160
    7 1.09146
    8 1.28574

I used the following NAB script

molecule m;
int ier;
float m_xyz[dynamic], f_xyz[dynamic];
float dgrad, fret;

m = getpdb("coordinate.pdb");
allocate m_xyz[3*m.natoms];
allocate f_xyz[3*m.natoms];

readparm(m, "topology.top");

mm_options("rgbmax=100., cut=999.0, ntpr=50, nsnb=99999, gb=1, diel=C,
mme_init(m, NULL, "::ZZZZ", m_xyz, NULL);

// Do some conjugate gradients.
dgrad = 0.001;
setxyz_from_mol( m, NULL, m_xyz );
ier = conjgrad(m_xyz, 3*m.natoms, fret, mme, dgrad, 1.0, 50000);

// Do some Newton-Raphson.
dgrad = 1.e-7;
ier = newton(m_xyz, 3*m.natoms, fret, mme,mme2, dgrad, 0.0, 15);

// get the normal modes:
ier = nmode( m_xyz, 3*m.natoms,mme2, 500,2,0.0,0.0,0);

What could be wrong?


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Received on Tue Jun 21 2011 - 17:30:03 PDT
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