[AMBER] Gromacs to Amber trajectory

From: Raja Pandian <chemistryraj.gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2011 19:50:12 +0530

Dear All,

I have created Amber input file (.prmtop and .rst7) using Xleap. And then I
have converted this input file into Gromacs input file format (*.gro and
*.top) with amb2gmx.pl script. I did simulation using Gromacs Package (Amber
Force Field). Now I would like to convert Gromacs trajectory file to Amber
trajectory file format. So that I can easily analyses this trajectory. I
tried to convert Gromacs trajectory file to Amber trajectory file using VMD.
This VMD converted trajectory is not working fine. Pls help me in this

Eagerly waiting for your suggestion.


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Received on Thu Jun 16 2011 - 07:30:05 PDT
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