[AMBER] problem with nmode

From: <poll.chemie.uni-hamburg.de>
Date: Thu, 05 May 2011 15:59:13 +0200

Hi everybody,

I just tried to calculate entropy terms using MMPBSA.py and nmode in
Amber11.During the calculation I get the following error several

mmpbsa_py_nabnmode: sff2.c:1266: ephi2: Assertion `bk > 0.01' failed.
sh: line 1: 23006 Aborted
/opt/amber11/bin/mmpbsa_py_nabnmode _MMPBSA_ligand_nm.pdb.46
drg.prmtop 10000 0.001 "ntpr=10000, diel=C, kappa=0.103951911959,
cut=1000, gb=1, dielc=4.0, temp0=298.15" >> _MMPBSA_ligand_nm.out.5
FATAL: allocation failure in vector()

The calculation is completed but when I check the output files it
tells me that the snapshots which are used for normal mode weren't
minimized but when I check the
the structures were minimized.

This is the inputfile I use.

Input file for running PB and GB
   endframe=50, verbose=1,
  igb=2, saltcon=0.100
   nmstartframe=1, nmendframe=50,
   nminterval=5, nmode_igb=1, nmode_istrng=0.1,

I also use the -use-mdins flag with arcres=0.125 and gbsa=1. Hopefully
some of you might have experience with this errors.

Thanks in advance


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Received on Thu May 05 2011 - 07:30:02 PDT
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