[AMBER] TI minimizations cannot be performed with > 2 CPUs

From: Dian Jiao <oscarjiao.gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2011 23:43:29 -0600


I am running TI minimization with softcore using Amber 10. My two input
files look like this:

* &cntrl*
* imin=1,maxcyc=500,*
* cut=9,ntb=1,*
* icfe=1,clambda=0.2,*
* ifsc=1,ntmin=2*
* scmask=':1',crgmask=':1',*
* / *

* &cntrl*
* imin=1,maxcyc=500,*
* cut=9,ntb=1,*
* icfe=1,clambda=0.2,*
* ifsc=1,ntmin=2*
* scmask='',crgmask='',*
* / *

At first I was using 4 CPUS and got this error:
 *SANDER BOMB in subroutine imin > 0 and numtasks > 1*
* TI minimizations cannot be performed with > 2 CPUs*

So I changed it to 2 CPUS
*mpirun -n 2 sander.MPI -O -ng 2 -groupfile group_min*

In the v0 output file, it stops printing after the following and there is no
error messege.
* begin time read from input coords = 80.000 ps*
* Number of triangulated 3-point waters found: 426*
As for v1 output, only the first line is printed out
 * -------------------------------------------------------*
* Amber 10 SANDER 2008*
* -------------------------------------------------------*

The job is still running, just no output any more.

However the TI minimization works just fine for charge-removing step with
ifsc=0 on the same cluster. I can even use up to 8 cpus for one job.

Has this occurred to anyone? How do I deal with softcore minimization?

Thanks in advance.
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Received on Fri Mar 18 2011 - 23:00:04 PDT
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