Dear Jason,
> Keep in mind, though, that any calls to Fortran subroutines (i.e. BLAS or
> PBSA) will probably not work unless you also included the statically linked
> libraries/executables (and even then I've never tried it so I can't be 100%
> sure).
I compiled (i.e. configure-d) originally with "-static", at least the
small samples I need do work. Thanks for the hint.
However, I was a bit too enthusiastic, because the sed-hack just works
on the machines with a very similar architecture/OS installation, of course.
Thus, I'll install a different Linux version soon and recompile the
complete Amber/AmberTools project - which works fine right out of the
box for newer Linux installations.
Best regards,
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
AMBER mailing list
Received on Mon Feb 14 2011 - 05:00:04 PST