Re: [AMBER] NaN error in .rst files - A request for some 'Clarity'

From: peker milas <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2011 20:38:57 -0800

Hi Ross,

I can start trying those probably tomorrow.


On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 6:26 PM, Ross Walker <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am hoping to be able to get some clarity for this thread so that we can
> start to look at what might actually be going on here. Right now there are a
> lot of theories but no real concrete examples to back things up.
> Specifically I would appreciate it if someone who sees this NAN problem
> could take their simulation and run the following:
> 1) NTT=3, NTB=2  - This one we already know the problem exists.
> 2) NTT=3, NTB=1 - This is NVT and will rule out the barostat if the problem
> still exists.
> 3) NTT=1, NTB=2 - This is NPT but NOT using the random number stream. If
> this crashes it means the problem is likely in the barostat rather than the
> random number stream.
> 4) NTT=1, NTB=1 - This is NVT not using the random number stream. If this
> crashes then both my theories are wrong.
> 5) NTT=0, NTB=1 - This is NVE, if this crashes then we are in a whole world
> of pain...
> I want to find out specifically which simulation modes show problems and
> which do not. I am 'hoping / assuming' that the problem is restricted to
> either NPT calculations or Langevin simulations or possibly NPT with
> Langevin. However, I need someone to carefully try these options and
> document the issue. Everyone's help is greatly appreciated.
> All the best
> Ross
> /\
> \/
> |\oss Walker
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> |             Assistant Research Professor              |
> |            San Diego Supercomputer Center             |
> |             Adjunct Assistant Professor               |
> |         Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry           |
> |          University of California San Diego           |
> |                     NVIDIA Fellow                     |
> | | |
> | Tel: +1 858 822 0854 | EMail:-  |
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