Dear Eliac,
Basically you should go through tutorial 3
You run MD, generate snapshots for ligand, protein and complex for
subsequent QM/MM-GBSA runs
and most often strip all water.
Below is an example for an input file for sander for a system, with NO
guarantee whatsoever (read the manual)
for QM/MM-GBSA energy (change at least indexes for QM atoms and
possibly QM charge)
QM/MM GBSA, Complex
ntf = 1, ntb = 0,
igb = 5, dielc = 1.0,
cut = 1000.0, nsnb = 10,
scnb = 2.0, scee = 1.2,
intdiel= 1.0, extdiel=80.0,
rgbmax = 1000.0, gbsa = 0,
qmmask=".11092-11095,12467-12549" ! (QM region)
qmcharge=0, !(Charge on QM region)
qm_theory="DFTB", !(Use the DFTB semi-empirical Hamiltonian)
qmcut=1000.0, !(Use1000 angstrom cut off for QM region)
printcharges=1, !print QM charges
dftb_telec=100.0 !temperature for fermi func.
Hope this helps, Markus
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Received on Sun Dec 26 2010 - 10:00:04 PST