>C. For experiments 1 and 2 above, I have had the .mdcrd files written in the NetCDF format, per an earlier discussion. I also used NetCDF for experiment 3. However, when I use ptraj for post processing, it appears to convert the files back to ASCII format, since VMD now fails to reload the re->imaged .mdcrd file in NetCDF format. The manual (p. 212) implies that this is what should happen, but is there a flag that could/should be set to keep the files in NetCDF format after the ptraj step? I mention this because it means that my "handling" of each file after the simulation isn't quite identical.
There is a netcdf flag in trajout command, e.g., trajout <filename> netcdf . See page 106 of Amber 11 manual. The default output of trajout is in ASCII format.
Richard Owczarzy
AMBER mailing list
Received on Mon Dec 20 2010 - 15:30:03 PST