[AMBER] Illegal CONECT record in pdb file / The file contained 1 atoms not in residue templates

From: leila karami <karami.leila1.gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2010 18:10:47 +0330

Dear amber users

I want to do MD simulation of a protein. I'm using amber03 forcefield.
first and last residues in my pdb (45 residues) are as follows:

HETATM 1 N GLY A 1 2.559 0.333 -17.163
HETATM 2 CA GLY A 1 1.264 0.268 -17.815
HETATM 3 C GLY A 1 0.282 -0.611 -17.680
HETATM 4 O GLY A 1 0.542 -1.260 -15.939
HETATM 5 H GLY A 1 3.358 0.800 -17.630
HETATM 6 2HA GLY A 1 0.858 1.266 -17.883
HETATM 7 3HA GLY A 1 1.661 -0.271 -18.675
HETATM 1033 N GLY A 45 10.177 7.703 3.904
HETATM 1034 CA GLY A 45 11.310 8.204 4.661
HETATM 1035 C GLY A 45 12.559 7.370 4.453
HETATM 1036 O GLY A 45 12.493 6.171 4.189
HETATM 1037 H GLY A 45 10.232 6.831 3.461
HETATM 1038 2HA GLY A 45 11.513 9.220 4.355
HETATM 1039 3HA GLY A 45 11.050 8.153 5.718

after loadpdb file:

Created a new atom named: H within residue: .R<NGLY 7>
  Added missing heavy atom: .R<CGLY 66>.A<OXT 8>
Illegal CONECT record in pdb file
Illegal CONECT record in pdb file
  total atoms in file: 1864
  Leap added 4 missing atoms according to residue templates:
       1 Heavy
       3 H / lone pairs
  The file contained 1 atoms not in residue templates

is it normal? or there is problem. if so, how to fix it?

Leila Karami
Ph.D. student of Physical Chemistry
K.N. Toosi University of Technology
Theoretical Physical Chemistry Group
AMBER mailing list
Received on Tue Dec 07 2010 - 07:00:04 PST
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