[AMBER] Amber10 installation problem on MPICH1

From: Shaandar Nyamtulga <nyam100.hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2010 04:02:14 +0000

I am struggling to install Amber10 on MPICH 1.2.7.p1 based cluster. I built the cluster on two computers and example programs are working fine.
When I do

sudo ./configure_amber -mpich gfortran

it gives the following error

ERROR: MPI_HOME is not set

  set the MPI_HOME environment variable to the
  location of the include/ and lib/ subdirectories
  containing mpif.h and libmpi.a or libmpich.a for your MPICH distribution.

  For example, with csh/tcsh:
      setenv MPI_HOME /usr/local/src/mpich/build/LINUX/ch_pentium4
  or with sh/bash:
      export MPI_HOME=/usr/local/src/mpich/build/LINUX/ch_pentium4

Actually I already set MPI_HOME(Though only libmpich.a is there, mpif.h is missing)

 export MPI_HOME=/home/mpiuser/mpich1/lib

I would really appreciate if someone could direct me to right track?

Nyamtulga Shaandar
Bioinformatics department,
Informatics Institute,
Mongolian Science Academy


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Received on Mon Nov 15 2010 - 20:30:03 PST
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