Dear Amber users.
I use Amber 9 installed on intel quad core with OS Linux Fedora 13. The
program compilled well, but when I run the test.serial, there is a message
like "problem with leap". So, I try run the tleap or xleap, again with no
sucess. In these cases I receive the massage "Segmentation fault [core
However, there are a weird thing. When a load the leaprc.gaff force field ,
both tleap and xleap works fine, but with any other force field I have had
the above message.
So, I don't have any idea what is going on in this case. I have tried a lot
of thigs to fix it, but no sucess at all. If anyone can give me any hint, it
will be very welcome!
Anyway, best regards to all!!!!!
Prof. Dr. Moacyr Comar Junior
Universidade Federal de São João del Rei
Campus Centro-Oeste
Divinópolis - MG
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Received on Wed Jul 14 2010 - 07:30:03 PDT