Re: [AMBER] (no subject)

From: Yubo Fan <>
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010 12:23:15 -0600

Dr. Case,

Thanks for your quick reply. I knew that Amber was not coded for
bonding interactions with PBC but I do need to do that with network
solid involved. The VDW and electrostatic interactions are fine in my
simulation. I only need to calculation the bond lengths, bond angles
and dihedral angles with PBC. Could you please help me to do that?

With regards,


On Tue, 16 Feb 2010 07:34:33 -0500
  case <> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 16, 2010, Yubo Fan wrote:
>> I'm trying to do some simulations with PBC for bonding interactions.
>> For example, graphite. The carbon atoms connecting from one end to
>> other should have covalent bonds. But the Amber seems not to compute
>> the bond energy using PBC. The calculations failed with
>> long bond lengths. I'm trying to modify the pmemd code by passing
>> pbc_box information into bonds.fpp, angles.fpp and dihedrals.fpp but
>> did not figure out how. Any advise? Thanks in advance.
> Amber is not coded for periodic simulations in which there are
>covalent bonds
> across unit cells.
> ....dac
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Yubo Fan
Chemistry Department
Texas A & M University
Tel: (979) 845-5237

AMBER mailing list
Received on Tue Feb 16 2010 - 10:30:03 PST
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