I posted a couple basic questions. Thanks for bearing me. There is no other
programmer in the lab.
I am studying NAB example program_11.nab now.
The first loop to read data from terminal (Standard input) is never end for
me. Even after I changed the MAXPTS to 5 (it was originally 150), it keeps
asking input. Here is the first part of the codes:
// Program 11 - Build DNA along a curve
#define RISE 3.38
#define EPS 1e-3
#define APPROX(a,b) (fabs((a)-(b))<=EPS)
#define MAXI 20
#define MAXPTS 5
int npts;
float a[ MAXPTS ];
float x[ MAXPTS ], y[ MAXPTS ], z[ MAXPTS ];
float x2[ MAXPTS ], y2[ MAXPTS ], z2[ MAXPTS ];
float tmp[ MAXPTS ];
string line;
int i, li, ni;
float dx, dy, dz;
float la, lx, ly, lz, na, nx, ny, nz;
float d, tfrac, frac;
int spline();
int splint();
for( npts = 0; line = getline( stdin ); ){
npts = npts + 1;
a[ npts ] = npts;
sscanf( line, "%lf %lf %lf",
x[ npts ], y[ npts ], z[ npts ] );
printf("npts=%d, line=%s\n", npts, line);
printf("x=%f y=%f z=%f\n",x[npts],y[npts],z[npts]);
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Received on Wed Jan 27 2010 - 15:00:03 PST