[AMBER] Is this Amber10 install error important?

From: Hopkins, Robert <hopkins.uhcl.edu>
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 09:22:48 -0600

Dear Amber Users,
I recently re-installed Amber 10 with all of the current bugfixes, in a Cygwin environment. Nearly all the tests passed, exept for the following (for $AMBERHOME/test/jar/mdout.jar.dif):
< R1 = -85.000 R2 = 15.000 R3 = 15.000 R4 = 115.000 RK2 =5000.000 RK3 = 5000.000

> R1 = 0. R2 = 15.000 R3 = 15.000 R4 = 115.000 RK2 =5000.000 RK3 = 5000.000
Note that the two values for R1 are significantly different.  Is this a difference that should concern me?  Thanks for any comments or suggestions.
Bob Hopkins
AMBER mailing list
Received on Mon Jan 25 2010 - 07:30:04 PST
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