[AMBER] no Bond Vdwaals and 1-4VDW values when doing mm-pbsa

From: xueqin pang <pangxueqintea.yahoo.com.cn>
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 23:58:44 +0800 (CST)

Hello everyone,
I am trying to get binding energy of a mutated protein with its ligand. After test of mm-pbsa in the Examples, I test it with my own system with mm-pbsa, but always get into trouble and no Bond Vdwaals and 1-4VDW values is given out.
I have check the *prmtop and change different mdcrd to test. But still can not overcome the problem. I have checked the output pdb for the complex when doing pbsa.  And the mdcrd is a final 1ns dcd of a 30ns namd dcd file transformed by amber ptraj.
If it is the problem with prmtop, do you have any suggestions on checking it effectively? If not, do you have any suggestions on improving it.
Thanks for your kind help
Pang Xueqin
The output is as follows: 
output of MM-GBSA
 BOND    =      874.7425  ANGLE   =     2539.0853  DIHED      =     3470.6028
 VDWAALS =    -2411.0741  EEL     =   -19336.7814  EGB        =    -3540.2770
 1-4 VDW =     1216.8740  1-4 EEL =    11839.6272  RESTRAINT  =        0.0000
surface area =    18310.2767
 BOND    = 10804824.1381  ANGLE   =   469191.8854  DIHED      =    16271.5596
 VDWAALS = *************  EEL     =   -16973.2372  EGB        =    -6318.0368
 1-4 VDW = *************  1-4 EEL =     9154.1513  RESTRAINT  =        0.0000
surface area =    15517.4713
 BOND    = 13204617.2939  ANGLE   =   418026.7166  DIHED      =    17233.2463
 VDWAALS = *************  EEL     =    -9439.1589  EGB        =    -6246.3031
 1-4 VDW = *************  1-4 EEL =     1566.7690  RESTRAINT  =        0.0000
surface area =    14823.5458
 BOND    = 14003168.0315  ANGLE   =   367093.8707  DIHED      =    15489.5072
 VDWAALS = 17656579.3728  EEL     =    -5403.4655  EGB        =    -6671.6425
 1-4 VDW = 12584392.5139  1-4 EEL =    -3236.4822  RESTRAINT  =        0.0000
surface area =    14913.0201
for ligand
 BOND    =       13.8815  ANGLE   =       59.7811  DIHED      =       10.7636
 VDWAALS =       -4.5483  EEL     =       57.7862  EGB        =      -31.8879
 1-4 VDW =       14.7125  1-4 EEL =     -148.0538  RESTRAINT  =        0.0000
surface area =      437.9018
 BOND    =  4168565.8417  ANGLE   =     3197.3218  DIHED      =      280.5143
 VDWAALS =     1947.3745  EEL     =       42.7075  EGB        =      -73.1820
 1-4 VDW =     1786.9054  1-4 EEL =     -194.0630  RESTRAINT  =        0.0000
surface area =      567.2564
 BOND    =  3672258.8967  ANGLE   =     5083.0809  DIHED      =      268.1229
 VDWAALS =      496.5980  EEL     =       47.6142  EGB        =     -103.3002
 1-4 VDW =    69893.9067  1-4 EEL =     -203.2935  RESTRAINT  =        0.0000
surface area =      616.9547
 BOND    =  3525920.4156  ANGLE   =     4233.6473  DIHED      =      214.1210
 VDWAALS =     1701.9453  EEL     =      133.8069  EGB        =     -102.0518
 1-4 VDW =   155782.7329  1-4 EEL =     -235.6608  RESTRAINT  =        0.0000
surface area =      541.3045
for receptor, it is almost the same with complex

#                  COMPLEX                RECEPTOR                  LIGAND       
#          ----------------------- ----------------------- -----------------------
#                  MEAN        STD         MEAN        STD         MEAN        STD
#          ======================= ======================= =======================
ELE            -7957.14     484.44     -7835.75     478.85      -124.79      33.55
VDW          7559347.32 15121083.04   7467306.86 14936935.77     57904.91   73842.80
INT          9830700.17 6680720.34   6985673.57 4917892.95   2845026.60 1916381.89
GAS         17382090.35 19107513.83  14445144.69 18009702.43   2902806.71 1947353.70
GBSUR            114.42      11.82       115.90      12.51         3.89       0.54
GB             -5694.06    1447.85     -5714.56    1460.43       -77.61      33.50
GBSOL          -5579.65    1459.43     -5598.67    1472.61       -73.71      33.04
GBELE         -13651.21    1829.70    -13550.31    1833.17      -202.39      58.12
GBTOT       17376510.70 19106490.92  14439546.02 18008768.64   2902733.00 1947325.44
#                    DELTA       
#          -----------------------
#                  MEAN        STD
#          =======================
ELE                3.40      28.02
VDW            34135.55  122119.55
INT               -0.00       0.00
GAS            34138.95  122099.43
GBSUR             -5.38       0.29
GB                98.11      43.39
GBSOL             92.73      43.54
GBELE            101.50      59.65
GBTOT          34231.67  122114.72
output of pbsa is almost the same with mm-gbsa

input for mm-gbsa
# Input parameters for mm_pbsa.pl
VERBOSE               0
PREFIX                E169-A
PATH                  ./out/.
START                 1
STOP                  5
OFFSET                1
COMPLEX               1
RECEPTOR              1
LIGAND                1
COMPT                 ./E169-A.prmtop
RECPT                 ./E169.prmtop
LIGPT                 ./A.prmtop
GC                    0
AS                    0
DC                    0
MM                    1
GB                    1
PB                    0
MS                    0
NM                    0
DCTYPE                1
COMREC                1-308
COMLIG                309
COMPRI                1-309
RECRES                1-308
RECPRI                1-308
RECMAP                1-308
LIGRES                1
LIGPRI                1
LIGMAP                309
PROC                  2
REFE                  0
INDI                  1.0
EXDI                  78.50
SCALE                 2
LINIT                 1000
PRBRAD                1.4
ISTRNG                0.0
RADIOPT               0
NPOPT                 1
SURFTEN               0.0072
SURFOFF               0.00
IVCAP                 0
CUTCAP                -1.0
XCAP                  0.0
YCAP                  0.0
ZCAP                  0.0
DIELC                 1.0
IGB                   2
GBSA                  1
SALTCON               0.00
EXTDIEL               78.50
INTDIEL               1.0
SURFTEN               0.0072
SURFOFF               0.00
PROBE                 0.0
DIELC                 4
MAXCYC                10000
DRMS                  0.0001
NTOTAL              134833
NSTART                1
NSTOP                 5
NFREQ                 1
LSTART                4882
LSTOP                 4921
RSTART                1
RSTOP                 4881
TRAJECTORY             E169-A-f5.mdcrd
input of mm-pbsa
the following is changed in pbsa-input
GC                    1
AS                    0
DC                    0
MM                    1
GB                    1
PB                    1
MS                    1
NM                    0
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Received on Thu Jan 14 2010 - 08:00:02 PST
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