[AMBER] (no subject)

From: Beale, John <jbeale.stlcop.edu>
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 05:59:51 -0600

I am doing MD on a 35-residue peptide in explicit water and I want to
determine the water interactions with donors and acceptors. Below is my
hbond.in file:


trajin N390Smd2.mdcrd

donor mask :1-35.O

donor mask :1-35.N

acceptor TYR N H

acceptor SER N H

hbond distance 3.5 angle 120.0 solventneighbor 6 solventdonor WAT O
solventacceptor WAT O H1 solventacceptor WAT O H2


The "hbond" line is the same as found at the bottom of page 102 of the
AmberTools manual. When I try to run ptraj with this input file I get a
segmentation fault.


Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?




John Beale



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Received on Wed Feb 25 2009 - 01:18:55 PST
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