Thanks for your comments, Carlos
I tried on a Window VMD and a Linux VMD and in both cases when I added
the topology file first with"Amber7 parm" followed by the "Amber
Coordinates", I got the same error "....number of atoms could not be
This topology file (without water) recognizes the mdcrd when I use
rdparm and reads out how many frames.
Also, VMD has no problem reading the topology files and correct states
residues etc.
My input file is as follows for making the trajectories without water:
trajin file.mdcrd
strip :WAT
center :1-2495 mass origin
image origin center familiar
trajout file_no_water.mdcrd nobox
Steve Seibold
Research Asst. Professor
19B Chemistry Building
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
Office 517-355-9715 ext 264
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