AMBER: QM/MM: input conversion error

From: Pankaj R. Daga <>
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 12:11:36 -0600

Dear Amber community,


I am trying to run QM/MM MD simulations using amber9. I have carried out
initial steps (Minimize / heat / equilibrate) system with pure classical
mechanics (Thanks to Gustavo for his suggestions). Now I am trying to run
equilibration using QM/MM. However, I am facing one error message with the
input file. The error is as reported below:


forrtl: severe (64): input conversion error, unit 5, file /XXX/,
line 23, position 57


Here is input file, I am using for the simulations:


QM/MM Equillibration Run





     ntb = 2,

     ntp = 1








     nstlim = 5000, dt= 0.002,

     ntpr = 50,

     ntwx = 50,

     ntwr = 50,

     cut = 10

     ifqnt = 1



  iqmatoms= '.3038-3043, 3050-3055, 7028-7039, 7053-7105',


  spin = 1



  qm_ewald=1, qm_pme=1



I have checked with the character at (line 23, position 57), however, I
could not understand, what was going wrong with that.


Could you please let me know, there is something wrong in my input file?


Your suggestions will be very helpful to me.


Thanks and Regards




If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it...Jonathan Winters
Pankaj R. Daga |
Dept. of Medicinal Chemistry | e-mail:
417 Faser Hall, | fax: +1-662-915-5638
University of Mississippi | phone: +1-662-915-1853
University, MS, 38677-1848 |


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