Hi all,
I'm trying to build the serial version of Amber 9 on Linux. I tried on
x86_64 and x86_32 architectures with gfortran and g95 compilers and I
applied the newest bug fixes before compilation. Compilation works on
both architectures without errors but with quite a lot of warnings.
Running the tests gives various test failures. On x86_64 the tests
produce big deviations from the expected results, like for example:
possible FAILURE: check cytosine.out.dif
< NSTEP = 2 TIME(PS) = 5420.004 TEMP(K) = 300.46 PRESS
= -32.0
< Etot = -608.0823 EKtot = 1060.4055 EPtot =
> NSTEP = 2 TIME(PS) = 5420.004 TEMP(K) = 300.49 PRESS
= 33.2
> Etot = -664.1291 EKtot = 1060.4894 EPtot =
< EELEC = 12.8250 EHBOND = 0. RESTRAINT = 0.
< EKCMT = 176.8830 VIRIAL = 199.4654 VOLUME =
> EELEC = -43.3058 EHBOND = 0. RESTRAINT = 0.
> EKCMT = 176.8830 VIRIAL = 153.4667 VOLUME =
On x86_32, I also get various test failures, however deviations are
smaller. Failures are found in many of the tests, but most frequent in
the pbsa_radi tests:
possible FAILURE: check Li.out.dif
< 1 -1.0847E+2 0. 0. Li+ 1
> 1 -1.0847E+2 2.8600E-34 3.7240E-34 Li+ 1
< 1 -1.0847E+2 0. 0. Li+ 1
> 1 -1.0847E+2 2.8600E-34 3.7240E-34 Li+ 1
possible FAILURE: check Na.out.dif
< 1 -8.2999E+1 0. 0. Na+ 1
> 1 -8.2999E+1 4.1453E-34 6.0712E-34 Na+ 1
< 1 -8.2999E+1 0. 0. Na+ 1
> 1 -8.2999E+1 4.1453E-34 6.0712E-34 Na+ 1
possible FAILURE: check K.out.dif
< 1 -6.4285E+1 0. 0. K+ 1
> 1 -6.4285E+1 7.5498E-35 1.2150E-34 K+ 1
< 1 -6.4285E+1 0. 0. K+ 1
> 1 -6.4285E+1 7.5498E-35 1.2150E-34 K+ 1
possible FAILURE: check Rb.out.dif
< 1 -5.8381E+1 0. 0. Rb 1
> 1 -5.8381E+1 1.1116E-34 1.9240E-34 Rb 1
< 1 -5.8381E+1 0. 0. Rb 1
> 1 -5.8381E+1 1.1116E-34 1.9240E-34 Rb 1
I used the "Goto" optimized blas library and tried with and without
platform option compiler flags. Are there any other things, I could try?
Maybe using a portland compiler would be more promising than gfortan/g95?
Jan Schulze - Systemadministration
Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut für Informatik
Universität Tübingen
Raum C309, Sand 14, D-72076 Tübingen
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Received on Sun Jan 27 2008 - 06:07:04 PST