AMBER: Installing OpenMPI

From: Hopkins, Robert <>
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 17:57:49 -0600

Dear Amber Users,


>From the archives, it seems clear that I need to use the same compilers
to install OpenMPI

that I used for installing Amber. But, this creates a dilemma since
OpenMPI evidently

requires either a Fortran 77 or Fortran 90 compiler. When I installed
Amber, besides the

GNU C and C++ compilers, I used the g95 Fortran compiler (I'm operating
in a Cygwin

environment on a Windows machine). As a result, I went ahead and tried
to install OpenMPI

by setting its environment variable FC to the g95 Fortran compiler.
Unfortunately, the

installation failed (see attached info file). I suspect g95 might be
the problem, but I'm unable

to decipher the info file or anything in the log file that would confirm
g95 as being the source

of the problem.


I would greatly appreciate any suggestions anyone might be able to offer
to overcome this




Bob Hopkins

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Received on Wed Jan 23 2008 - 06:07:32 PST
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