AMBER: make test.parallel

From: Francesco Pietra <>
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2007 00:33:21 -0800 (PST)

In connection with problems with DOCK6.1 I wanted to check the Linux parallel
installation of Amber9

export DO_PARALLEL='mpirun -np 4'
cd $AMBERHOME/test
make test.parallel

was OK

Then, I had to repeat the test. This time distractedly I commanded "make clean"
before "make test.parallel", which clean resulted in:

(find antechamber -name '*.out' -o -name '*.log' -o - name '*.lib' -o\ -name
"*.dif" |\
while read dif ;\
do \
rm -f $dif ;\
done ;\
cd leap; rm -f *.out *.log *.dif *.lib
while read dif ;\
do \
rm -f $dif ;\
done ;\
rm -f TEST_FAILURES.diff
All tests PASSED according to screen observation, and top -i showed sander
working on all four nodes, though now there are no more files to check. Is it
possible to restore the original situation?


francesco pietra

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