Re: AMBER: REMD error

From: Carlos Simmerling <>
Date: Mon, 21 May 2007 11:41:53 -0400

have you run regular MD with more than 1 cpu using this code?
also, have you run non-REMD multisander using this code?

On 5/21/07, Jason K <> wrote:
> Dear AMBER,
> I have been trying to run a replica exchange simulation on our
> departmental cluster (on which parallel jobs can be run on up to 12
> four-processor nodes). The command that I use is - essentially - the
> following
> mpirun -np 8 -machinefile {machine file} $AMBERHOME/exe/sander_mpi -ng 2
> -groupfile groupfile
> the groupfile being the one exemplified in the test cases (I have checked
> that it does not contain any errors)
> Nevertheless, when I submit the job I get error messages similar to these:
> Error: specified more groups ( 2 ) than the number of
> processors (
> 1 ) !
> p0_2936: p4_error: : 1
> [0] MPI Abort by user Aborting program !
> [0] Aborting program!
> Can anyone suggest what may be the cause of this behaviour? Is this a
> message generated by sander, or is it a failure with either MPI or the
> queueing system?
> I can attach the actual files containing the standard output / error as
> well as the input files if that can be any help.
> All help will be greatly appreciated.
> Jason

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