RE: AMBER: AM1-bcc

From: Junmei Wang <>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 20:57:23 -0600

Antechamber first performs AM1 optimization to get Mulliken charges and
then does bond charge correction.
All the best

From: [] On Behalf
Of Evan Kelly
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 6:26 PM
Subject: AMBER: AM1-bcc

        Can someone verify that the AM1 atomic charges (to which the
bond charge corrections are applied) used in Antechamber's AM1-bcc
charge fitting algorithm are in fact Mulliken charges from an AM1
calculation? If so, does Antechamber perform a single point calculation
on the inputted molecule, or does it do any energy minimization?


        Evan Kelly

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Received on Wed Feb 28 2007 - 06:07:42 PST
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