AMBER: AMBER ff in CHARMM format!!

From: Swarup Gupta <>
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2007 19:26:38 -0800 (PST)

  I have several trajectories of which have been run with AMBER package and ff03 force field/parameters. Thses are of MD simulation run for a protein-solvent system. Now I want to process the trajectories with CHARMM package for analysis. The 'ptraj' module in AMBER can convert the AMBER trajectories into CHARMM trajectory format. But unless I can have the ff03 parameters in the CHARMM-understandable format I can not proceed. I want to know if the AMBER parameters (for my case it is ff03) are available in CHARMM format or if there is any available program to do it in an automated way.
  S. Gupta

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