Re: AMBER: crd to pdb conversion

From: Ilyas Yildirim <>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2007 08:35:16 -0500 (EST)

Dear Aytug,

.crd files store only the coordinate information. Without knowing what the
atoms are (which are stored in .prmtop file), there is not way you can
create a .pdb file.

On Mon, 19 Feb 2007, AYTUG TUNCEL wrote:

> Dear all,
> Is there anyway converting the crd file to pdb format directly without the prmtop file. Because I used the ALASCAN in mm_pbsa module in order to create mutated residues but it requires new prmtop files for binding energy calculation. How can I create the new prmtop files for the corresponding structures that bear the mutated residues?Thanks in advance.
> Aytug
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  Ilyas Yildirim
  - Department of Chemisty       -				-
  - University of Rochester      -				-
  - Hutchison Hall, # B10        -				-
  - Rochester, NY 14627-0216     - Ph.:(585) 275 67 66 (Office)	-
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Received on Wed Feb 21 2007 - 06:07:26 PST
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